5 Tenant Screening Tips to Help You Find the Best Tenant for Your San Diego Rental Property

When you’re looking for tenants for your San Diego rental property, you want to screen for quality. The best tenants will pay rent on time, take care of your property, and follow the terms of your lease. Today, we’re discussing five important things that you need to remember when you’re screening.

Property Condition

The best screening tool you can use as a San Diego landlord, which many people don’t think about, is condition of the house. When making decisions on where to paint or how well to paint, clean, or make repairs, keep your tenant quality in mind. The best quality tenants can rent any property they want. Why would they rent your property? If it’s not looking as good as it should, they won’t. So, consider the condition of your property before you begin showings.

Complete Applications

Only look at fully completed rental applications. A completed rental application includes proof of income, a copy of ID’s, a screening fee, and all information completed on the application. Don’t begin processing the application until it’s complete. That sets a bad precedent. It shows that the tenants are not responsible or they’re withholding information.

Credit Report

The FICO score is only one aspect of an applicant’s credit report. Look closely at the credit history. Student loan debt and medical bills are not good indicators of whether someone will be a good tenant. You might see short sales, which were popular during the housing crisis. It can ruin otherwise excellent credit.

Landlord References

Call the previous landlord and not just the current landlord. The current landlord might just want the tenants out of the house and will tell you anything you want to hear. Talk to the previous landlord as well. Ask what rent they paid, and ask about the square footage of the house. Then you can cross reference that information against the property tax records to make sure you’re talking to the real landlord, and not just a friend.

Screening Fee

Always charge a screening fee. Otherwise, anyone can apply because there’s nothing to lose.

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Hey guys, this is Mariah with Good Life Property Management and today I’m here to talk to you about our tenant and applicant screening process. We get a lot of questions regarding our application process and what makes a qualified tenant. So today I’m here to answer those questions for you. We’ll verify your income to make sure you make our 2.5 times the rent to income ratio. Basically what this means is all applicants must make at least 2.5 times the rent as a household to be approved. So this can vary between property management companies. Sometimes they can charge up to 3 times the rent, 1.5 times the rent. It really just depends. So the first thing we screen for is credit. Typically a score over 700 is considered good credit. However, if you fall below 700 or don’t have any credit at all, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be automatically denied. So the second thing we screen for is your rental history. This is just to make sure that you are a good past tenant, don’t have any past dues, owed to any previous landlords, and don’t have any past evictions. And lastly we check for your criminal history. This is to check if you have any past convictions or felonies. So some things that may get you automatically denied is a negative reference from a previous landlord. Any previous past dues to a previous landlord or any past evictions. If your prior conviction interferes with any tendency, obligations are posted as a threat to any other residents or neighbors, you may be denied. Additionally, if you have a restricted pet such as Husky, Pitbull, or Bulldog, you may be denied as well. So unfortunately we don’t accept any additional deposits. This is a violation of the fair housing laws and is unfair to people who cannot afford to put money up front in order to secure. So we have to pay for the rental property in order to be a good place. For additional information about our available properties, you can visit us at www.goodlifemgmt.com slash properties. I hope to learn a little bit more about how property management companies screen their applicants. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and don’t forget to like and subscribe.