How Changes to Credit Reporting May Boost Your Score! San Diego Landlord Education

Credit bureaus are implementing some changes that can affect landlords in general and you personally. Transunion got together with Equifax and Experian and they announced a National Consumer Assistance Plan. Basically, they are trying to ensure that their data is as accurate as possible.

Minimum Identifying Information

They developed enhanced public record standards for the collection and timely updating of bankruptcies, civil judgments, and tax liens. These new standards will apply to current data on credit reports and will require two things. First, minimum identifying consumer information. They are calling this PII; personal identifying information. Everything has to have a name, an address, social security number, and/or date of birth. They are also looking at the minimum frequency of courthouse visits to obtain newly filed and updated public records at least every 90 days. They didn’t have uniform standards between the three bureaus in the past. Now, they are setting these standards to have more accurate data and consistent information.

Your Credit Score Could Change

What does this mean to you? Bankruptcies probably won’t change. Bankruptcy meets those information standards, so they will stay on there. But, if you have a civil judgment, there will be a significant change. Preliminary analysis shows that approximately 96 percent of the data will not meet the PII requirements. So, it will be taken off your credit report. It’s the same with tax liens; as much as 50 percent of that data will not meet their new standards, so they’ll wipe it.

If you have a tax lien or a civil judgment on your credit report, it could be gone. Check your credit report because this can boost your score almost overnight. One Transunion representative said your score could go up 75 points. Be aware of that.

Landlords and Tenant Screening

For landlords, you need to remember that evictions are civil judgments. We will no longer be able to find eviction history on a tenant’s credit profile. You’ll have to purchase an eviction search. This is the only report that pulls an eviction record moving forward. Most civil judgments will also not be found on the credit report.

If you have any questions about this, contact us at Good Life Property Management. We’d love to help you.

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Hey guys Steve Welty here, broker and owner of Good Life Property Management, here to give you some information on upcoming changes that the credit bureaus are implementing that are gonna affect the landlords as well as you personally. So Transunion got together with Equifax and Experian and they announced a national consumer assistance plan is what they’re calling it. And basically they’re trying to get together to ensure that their data is as accurate as possible. So that’s what they’re saying, so what they did is they developed enhanced public record standards for the collection and timely updating of bankruptcies, civil judgments, and tax liens. So these new standards are gonna apply to new and existing data onyx credit reports and will require two things. Number one, minimum consumer identifying information. They’re calling this PII, Personal Identifying Information. So everything’s got to have a name, address, social security number and/or date of birth. And then also they’re looking at the minimum frequency of court house visits to obtain newly filed and updated public records at least every 90 days. So they didn’t have uniform standards between the three bureaus, so they’re setting these standards to make things uniform and hopefully make the data more accurate between the three. Now what does this mean to you? So what this means is, first off they say bankruptcies probably won’t change, so if a bankruptcy is on there it meets those information standards so it probably will stay on there. But if you have a civil judgment, they expect a significant change. The preliminary analysis shows that approximately 96 percent of the data will not meet the PII requirements, so that means it’s going to be taken off your credit report. Tax liens, same thing, they think as much as 50% of this data will not meet their new standards about having minimum consumer identifying information, so they’re gonna wipe it. So what that means to you is if you have a tax lien or a civil judgment on your credit report, that could be gone. It could be gone now and that it might have been there two months ago, so check your credit report. This can instantly boost your score overnight. One Transunion rep said as much as 75 points. So be aware of that. Now for landlords what this means is that evictions are civil judgment. If you get a judgment against a tenant you evict them, that goes on their credit report. So that means we’re now no longer going to be able to find eviction history on a tenant’s credit profile. So if you’re a landlord that normally just pulls a credit report, you’re in trouble. What you have to do is you have to purchase the additional eviction search. It’s a special search for evictions that will be the only report that pulls up this record moving forward. Another thing is if you were sued in the past personally for something and you got a civil judgment against you, even if you paid that judgment, like the day of, you wrote the check that you lost, it’s still gonna be on your credit report. But now moving forward, it probably won’t be on your credit report because the bureau’s are saying that civil judgments 96% of the data is not going to meet their requirements, so therefore it’s not going to be on their credit reports. So if you have any questions about this, please give us a call and we’d love to help you. Thanks for watching. Make it a great day!