San Diego Extends Eviction Moratorium

San Diego extended its city-wide eviction earlier this month, putting a temporary ban on no-fault terminations until late September.

Earlier this month, the San Diego city council voted 5-1 to ban no-fault evictions until at least September of this year. City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera led the charge, stating that tenants in the city of San Diego should be protected from unnecessary evictions, especially once the statewide moratorium ends on June 30th. 

While the statewide eviction moratorium only prevents the removal of a tenant behind on rent due to a COVID-related hardship, this bill would apply to all renters in the city of San Diego.

What is a No-Fault Eviction?

A no-fault eviction is when the tenant has not violated their lease but is asked to depart the property. An example would be the owner wanting to move back in or do extensive remodels or repairs on the home. 

These kinds of evictions can put a strain on tenants, especially with the current state of the rental market. Prices are at an all time high and nobody wants to be left on the street. Finding a new place to live can cost people thousands of dollars, when factoring in a security deposit and first month’s rent. 

What Are People Saying About the Bill?

Dozens of San Diego residents called in to express their opinions on the matter. Those in favor of the bill say that postponing these no-fault evictions keep people from becoming homeless. No-fault terminations are seen as unnecessary evictions by many tenants, especially when some are still suffering the fallout of the pandemic. 

Those against it argue that this bill doesn’t take property owner rights into account. They have the right to take the property off the market or move back into their home when they feel like it. This kind of legislation harms small landlords that may only have one or two properties.  

Next Steps...

The bill was approved during the second confirmation vote last week. The final step is that it must be signed by San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, then it becomes law.

The ordinance will go into effect within the next 30 days and is set to end on September 30th, 2022 or 60 days after the end of the local emergency declaration, whichever comes first. 

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Hey guys, Adam Manley here from Good Life Property Management here to talk to you today about a topic that is on everyone’s mind right now. As I’m sure you’ve heard the City of San Diego City Council recently voted to approve a new no fault termination moratorium here in the City of San Diego. They voted a little bit earlier this month and the City Council voted five to one in favor of this new moratorium and today there’s a little bit of a formality vote but the moratorium has officially gone into effect and will be applicable to all rental properties within the next 30 days or so. So definitely a really relevant issue right now. Some of you may be wondering what is a no fault termination. So if you guys a little bit of a background, a no fault termination is when a tenant doesn’t necessarily violate their lease but they’re asked to leave a property. A couple of examples of this would be, let’s say for example you own a really old property and wanted to do some extensive remodeling to kind of bring it up into the modern age, maybe get a little bit more rent or let’s say you were moving back into the property that you were currently renting out. So those are kind of a couple of examples of what are referred to as a no fault termination and those things are going to be are no longer going to be allowed under this new no fault termination moratorium. So the vote was led by the City Council, the City Council president Sean Ella Rivera and the kind of motive behind the moratorium was to obviously prevent people from getting terminated wrongfully and being thrown out on the street and we of course nobody wants that. So I think there are going to be some repercussions that are really going to affect the smallest landlords in the most negative way and that’s what we’re really kind of disappointed to see. So it’s a little bit of bad news but one glimmer of hope through kind of this whole process is that we were actually able to secure an end date for this moratorium which was kind of one of the most contentious parts of this going to affect is that previously there was not going to be any end date for this. It was just whenever the 60 days after the state of emergency which we still don’t know when or excuse me the city state of emergency which we still don’t know when that’s going to be ended. So the end date as of right now will be no later than September 30th. So if the city’s declaration of emergency ends before that we’ll have kind of an updated timeline for you guys but as of right now that is the as far out as this moratorium could stay in effect is September 30th. So we’ll definitely keep you guys posted. We’re likely to come out with an additional video on how you can stay in compliance with this new moratorium as a private landlord so stay tuned for more content. Thank you.