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ADU Guide

Increase the value of your property with an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)

Thinking of adding to your property? This guide tells you everything you need to know about accessory dwelling units, also known as ADUs or granny flats. You’ll find information on cost, time to build, and more!

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We’ve helped over 1,000 San Diego landlords live the good life and we’re ready to help you too. Whatever you choose, you’re heading in the right direction. You will live the good life!

Hey, guys. Adam Manley here with Good Life Property Management. One of the most popular topics we’re hearing a lot about right now in the property management spaces, something called accessory dwelling units or ADUs or granny flats, as they’re sometimes called. We’re getting a lot of questions, some concerns from some of our clients and prospective owners about what these things are and how you as a homeowner could really benefit from them. We want some more information on what an ADU is, how it can work for you or potentially harm you, how much it’ll cost, what financing options are available to you as a homeowner. We’ve got a ton of great information in our ADU guide. We’re going to include a link below the video for everything you would need to know about getting that process started with us. Any other information, click the link below for the guide or feel free to drop us a line. Thank you.